
The Best Wedding Coordinators in NYC

100% satisfaction guarantee, vetted planners, effortless booking, and 24/7 free planning advice—because you deserve expert support every step of the way.

100% guaranteed

100% satisfaction guaranteed—if you're not happy, we’ll rematch you, no questions asked.

Vetted experienced

Tired of endless scrolling and interviews with no guarantees? We handle all the legwork for you.

Seamless communication

Timelines, vendor contacts, and wedding details organized in one place.

24/7 Free planning advice

Because even without a full-service planner, you still deserve expert help.

Join the thousands of stress-free couples who have trusted Mostest with their special day.

Scroll down for the list of local venues we’ve worked at recently.

Transparent pricing

Transparent pricing ⁎

Mostest has brought dream weddings to life at countless iconic NYC & Brooklyn venues: